11:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Scottish Trad Music Special
Megan NicGill-Fhaolain le ceòl bho na tachartasan-ciùil as fheàrr an Alba ann an 2024. Megan MacLellan presents highlights from some of Scotland's top music events in 2024. [S] [HD]
12:00 AM - 12:50 AM
Air an Oir/Runrig
Sealladh air Runrig agus de thug buaidh air an ceol, le cuirmean-ciuil ann an New York 's Estonia. Documentary looking at the roots of Runrig's musical influences.
12:50 AM - 01:00 AM
Belladrum Shorts - N'Famady Kouyate - S2024 Ep6
6/10. N'Famady Kouyaté, an neach-ciùil à Guinea, le seisean acoustic aig Belladrum 2024. Guinean musician N'Famady Kouyaté performs an acoustic set at Belladrum 2024. [S] [HD]
01:00 AM - 06:00 AM
Alba Today
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
06:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Alba Today
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
04:00 PM - 04:25 PM
'Tiddler' is a small grey fish with a big imagination who gets lost in the deep wide ocean, until he's saved by his own storytelling. [S] [HD]
04:25 PM - 04:40 PM
Paddington - Am Mathan à... - S1 Ep1
...Peru/Paddington - The Bear from Peru. 1/2. Linda Macleod and pupils from Calton Gaelic Primary School read Paddington, the original story of the bear from deepest Peru. [S] [HD]
04:40 PM - 05:00 PM
Paddington agus an...
...Nollaig/Paddington's Christmas. 2/2. Linda Macleod and pupils from Govan Gaelic Primary School read Paddington and the Christmas Surprise. [S] [HD]
05:00 PM - 05:25 PM
Tha Mamaidh fo Sgoth/Mum is Pouring Rain
Tha Sìne mì-thoilichte mu bhith fuireach còmhla ri Granaidh ach tha sin ag atharrachadh! Sìne is unhappy about staying with Granny, but that soon changes! [S] [HD]
05:25 PM - 05:55 PM
Rannan Rapach/Revolting Rhymes
2/2. Cuiridh Madadh-Allaidh car ann an stòiridhean cloinne. Animated children's stories. The Wolf puts a sharp twist into some of the best-known children's stories.
05:55 PM - 06:00 PM
An Là
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. [S] [HD]
06:00 PM - 07:00 PM
A' Bhliadhna 2024
Join Donald A Morrison and guests for a look back at the year's biggest news stories, including the general election. [S] [HD]
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Alleluia na Nollaige
Iain MacFhionghain le leughaidhean, smuaintean agus laoidhean na Nollaige. Iain MacKinnon with a Christmas feast of readings, thoughts and carols. [S] [HD]
08:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Spors na Bliadhna/Sport Review 2024
Alastair MacLennan presents this year's sporting highlights, including Scotland's participation in Euro 2024 and the Olympic Games in Paris. [S] [HD]
09:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Dr Euan MacDonald moves to Rotorua in New Zealand to work in the city's hospital. An Dr. Euan Dòmhnallach a' dol gu Sealann Nuadh, a dh' obair san ospadal ann an Rotorua. [S] [HD]
10:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Na Trads - An Dara Teud
Criomagan bho Duaisean Na Trads 2024 le Màiri Anna NicUalraig & Alistair Heather. Highlights from the 2024 Trad Awards with Mary Ann Kennedy and Alistair Heather. [S] [HD]
11:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Srub: Scotland on Coffee
Thig air turas sònraichte cuide ri Ellen NicDhòmhnaill 's i ag ionnsachadh a h-uile sìon mu chofaidh. Join Ellen MacDonald on a journey to discover all there is to know about coffee. [S] [HD]