08:55 PM - 12:00 AM
Runrig - The Last Dance
1/2. Air beulaibh 50,000 neach-leantainn, cuirm-chiùil soraidh slàn Runrig bho 2018. In front of 50,000 fans, Scottish rock band Runrig's 2018 poignant farewell concert. [S] [HD]
12:00 AM - 06:00 AM
Alba Today
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
06:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Alba Today
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
04:00 PM - 04:30 PM
An Gruffalo
Lean turus na luchaig, a' choill nan cno. Le sionnach, is nathair 'san Gruffalo. Follow Mouse on his journey through the deep dark wood, then decide which of his friends is good. [S] [HD]
04:30 PM - 04:35 PM
Boban is Fuigheag - S1 Ep23
23/40. Tha Fuigheag air a rothaigeadh an-diugh. Tha e a' còrdadh ris a bhith cho gleadhrach! Fuigheag is getting carried away today. He's really enjoying being noisy! [S] [HD]
04:35 PM - 05:00 PM
An Fhaochag agus a' Mhuc-mhara/ The Snail and the Whale
Tha faochag bheag dol air turas iongantach. A snail embarks on a magical journey. [S] [HD]
05:00 PM - 05:15 PM
An Teaghlach Rìoghail an... - S1 Ep35
...Ath-dhoras/The Royals Next Door. 35/52. Tha Stella a' toirt seachad phrèasant Santa Dìomhair annasach. Stella gives away an unusual Secret Santa present. [S] [HD]
05:15 PM - 05:25 PM
An Teaghlach Rìoghail an... - S1 Ep36
...Ath-dhoras/The Royals Next Door. 36/52. Chan eil Stella idir measail air actadh. Stella isn't at all keen on acting. [S] [HD]
05:25 PM - 05:55 PM
Rannan Rapach/Revolting Rhymes
1/2. Cuiridh Madadh-Allaidh car ann an stòiridhean cloinne. Animated children's stories. The Wolf puts a sharp twist into some of the best-known children's stories.
05:55 PM - 06:00 PM
An Là
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. [S] [HD]
06:00 PM - 07:30 PM
Iorram - Boat Song
Across the islands of the Outer Hebrides, voices from the past tell stories of the sea. Guthan bho chian ag aithris sgeulachdan mara Innse Gall. [S] [HD]
07:30 PM - 08:00 PM
Cu Leis Thu? | A Puppy for Padruig
6/6. Peter meets some rescue dogs before making a final decision about his new puppy companion. Coinnichidh Pàdruig ri coin theasairgte mus dèan e co-dhùnadh mun chompanach ùr aige. [S] [HD]
08:00 PM - 08:25 PM
Binneas - Na Trads - S9 Ep9
9/9. Roghainn bho oidhche mhòr duaisean Na Trads 2022. A nochd ceòl bho na Elephant Sessions. Musical Highlights from the Trad Awards 2022 from Elephant Sessions. [S] [HD]
08:25 PM - 09:00 PM
Gladys | Deireadh na Sgeoil/Story Complete
Gladys Johnston finally finds out who her father was and meets her Irish half-sister for the first time. [S] [HD]
09:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Hoolie 2024 - S2024 Ep2
2/2. Hoolie 2024 eapasod 2 a' comharrachadh 100 bliadhna de cheòl Albannach le rionnagan ciùil. Continuing the celebration of 100 years of Scottish music with a star-studded line-up. [S] [HD]
10:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Belladrum - S2024 Ep1
Na criomagan as fheàrr bho Belladrum 2024, le Fiona NicChoinnich & Niall Iain Dòmhnallach. Highlights from Belladrum 2024, with Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald. [S] [HD]
11:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Scottish Trad Music Special
Megan NicGill-Fhaolain le ceòl bho na tachartasan-ciùil as fheàrr an Alba ann an 2024. Megan MacLellan presents highlights from some of Scotland's top music events in 2024. [S] [HD]